District 9 GSR meeting o September 9th, 2007


DCM Dyan opened the meeting with the serenity prayer.

District officers present:

Dyan L. DCM; Gene A. Treasurer; Rita H. Secretary and Activities Chair; Larry G Schedules, Archives and PI/CPC; Sally H. Pink Can; Wanda G. Answering Service.


Members present: Will P, Sandy W, Tami, Ray and John M.


GSRs present: 

Robbie G-SMEO: Attendance  averages 20, Connie-60 days, Mary and Bill 30 days.


Kate M,-SBB: FNHH: 10 to 20. No reports for Sat or Sun Nights.


Bruce-ABI: Attendance 16 to 34, good meetings.


Mike S: Alt GSR-Water Tower:  Attendance 26 to  30.


Stephanie S: Thurs Nite Open: Good meetings, JC-18 mos.


Sally H- LoH: 30 or more in attendnceÕ no BDs. Group needs ½ doz big books.


Craig-Alt GSR- Early Birds:


Earl 12X12: Attendance 3 to 8 No BDs

            M-F Attendance 10 to 20


Shernie W: M-W VA 50 to 70% inpatient. Wed chairperson filled; Chair person still needed for MondayÕs meetings. The time has been increased to one hour and a half (1.5) hours.


Larry G: Tues Proms:  About a dozen in attendance. Good topics.


Minutes of August were read and accepted as corrected; Pink can report corrected and ShernieÕs spelled name was corrected.  M-Shernie; 2nd-Earl


TreasurerÕs report was examined and accepted. M-Larry; 2nd Robbie.


Receipts: Pink Can: $146.93-will order Grape Vines with this money for WSP. 7th Tradition: $8.09

LoH $100.00; Tuesday Promiess-$100.00.


Bills: Gene for typing supplies $75.00; 123 printing $60.42, Pro-Tel $22.00; Schedules $60.92

Gene requested $75.00 for ink and paper supplies. Approved.


Old Business: Activities Committee asked for approval for purchase of ham and cider.


New Business: 

Funding for activities: Individual Groups used to fund an activity. District Activities Committee have been asked to take over the activities. Any District expense must be okayed by the GSRs. Larry moved to allow 60 days  for activities to continue. 2nd by Kate. Gene moved to amend to allow 90 days to include New Years Party. 2nd by Larry. Amendment passed and motion passed.

A need for a current district handbook and guidelines was discussed. GSRs should bring ideas form their groups.


Dyan reported that Duane declined the Alt. DCM position.


Election of District Officers in October Meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 8Ó05