District 9 GSR Meeting July 1, 2007


Dyan was absent for personal reasons and asked Gene to chair the meeting for her. Unfortunately the notice was untimely and no agenda was prepared for the meeting.


Gene called the meeting to order with the serenity prayer at 6:33 pm.

Officers present:

Duane-Alt. DCM        Gene-Treas      Rita-Secretary              Larry-Archives & PI/CPC/Schedules

Wanda-Ans. Service


Minutes of June 10 wee approved as read, The TreasurerŐs report was accepted. One bill for July 4th activity supplies to Gene A for $124.28, Kate moved and Laurie seconded; motion carried


GSRs present:

Laurie-LOH: Attendance averages 20, BDs: Kevin 5 yrs; Steve and Jerry, 1 yr.

WT: attendance over 2; BDs: Ted 14 yrs; Nival: 1 yr.; Doran: 1 mo.  Jerry R is recovering.

Kate-SBB: Friday Happy hour is a good strong meeting. Average 15.

Craig-EB: Attendance is 3 to 4; spiritually strong.

Earl-12X12: 3 to 7 in attendance; financially struggling.

Larry-TP: Attendance 3-6; good group discussions; John S 5 yrs and Bill G. 1 yr.

Gene-SMEO: Attendance averages 20, good meetings, join us for breakfast.


No DCM report:


No Old Business:


New business: Earl had indicated during group reports that the 12X12 was struggling with attendance and finances. A motion by Gene to help 12X12 with rent for 6 mos. Seconded by Earl; after discussion as to the legality of the motion, the motion passed.


Contributions received : Pink Can = 106.38; SBB and SMEO contributed $100.00 quarterly donations each; and $6.00 received from the 7th Tradition for a total of $330.28.


No further business coming before the GSRs, the meeting was closed with the LordŐs Praer at 7:55 PM.