District 9 Minutes of the 10/7/07 GSR Meeting


DCM Dyan called the meeting to order with the Serenity Prayer.

District Officers present: Dyan L-DCM, Gene A-Treasurer; Rita H-Secretary; Wanda G-Answering Service; Larry G-Schedules, Archives, PI                    


Minutes of the 9-9-07 GSR meeting were approved as read; the treasurerŐs report was discussed and approved; income received for October was $200.00 from contributions, Pink Can $57.93 and 15.40 7th Tradition.


Bills: DCM- Conference registration and meals-$41.00, room $178.96.


GSR reports:

Bruce-ABSI: attendance 16-24; new people every meeting; One 24 hr BD.

Robbie-SMEO: Averages 18 to 20, breakfast Sunday mornings, 3 BDs: Chuck-30 days; Connie G-90 days; Doug-6 mos.

Jerry-WT, Alt-Mike: No BDs; Group decision that chair person can choose topic from any AA literature.

Sally-LOH: 20 to 30 per meeting; no BDs.

Debbie-Alt GSR M-FPP: 38 at lst meeting, Steve -15yr BD

Kate-SBB: 20-25 on Fridays, no report for Sat or Sun; one BD-Charlie-19 yrs.

Earl-12X12: 4 to 9 in attendance; 2 new HG members.

Larry-TP: 5-7 in attendance; topics vary from steps and traditions.

Shernie-MWVA: attendance approximately 50/50 inpatients to town folk; revolving chairpersons on Monday njghts; cabinet keys are located at the nurseŐs station. Purchase of 12X12 posters.

Jim-Alt TNO: 13 average attendance: several newcomers coming back.

Craig-EB: Average 4 / meeting; meets daily; Mike 30 day BD.

Leroy-TOF: Attendance 4-7; Smoking meeting; 3 BDs-Joy 24 hrs; Valerie 6 mos; Nichole 9 mos.


Rita-Activities: Gratitude Banquet: Flyers out; Gene will purchase Meat; Phillip volunteered Steve A to prepare and cook roasts; Himself to do potatoes and Gene A to carve. Committee meeting to be held next week.

Wanda-Answering Service: 25 calls in September, nothing new to report.

Larry-Archives: Placing paper documents on CDs.

Jerry-Corrections: Linda Flynn on medical leave for a year. Pioneer Group 6:30-8; Willshare-7; Almost Home-6

Larry-Schedules: HavenŐt had any calls for a couple of weeks.



Guests-District Members: Tami H, Sandy H, Phillip W.


Unfinished business: Discussion of a District handbook.

Dyan read excerpts from past minutes which referred to previous discussions of a district handbook-the results were no handbook. Dyan asked each GSR to talk w/ their home group and bring back ideas next month. Group consensus dictated that our original HB be extracted from archives, reproduced or another districtŐs be acquired for examination and guidelines by the groups. Phil moved that Steve A act as steering committee chair, 2nd and passed.


New Business: Election of Officers:

DCM-Gene Alexander                                                                                     Alt DCM-Tami Huff

Treasurer-Phillip Woodland                                                                         Alt. Treas.-Sandy H

Secretary-Laurie                                                                                               Alt. Sec-Robbie Gallo


Appointed Officers:

Activities-Dyan L.                                     Archives-Kate M                                        Answering Service-Jim D.    

Corrections- Jerry                                      PI/CPC-Mike S.                                          Pink Can Rep-Sally H.

Schedules-Sandy H


Income: Water Tower-$100.00               SMEO-$100.00      Pink Can: $58.18   GSR 7th T: $15.40

Disbursements-DCM room for Conference-$178.96 and meals-$41.00


The meeting was closed with the LordŐs Prayer at 8:25



Gene  Alexander